Sunday, March 1, 2015

Arrived In Morocco

After a long flight, I arrived safely in Morocco's capital city.  I was greeted by warm temperatures, palm trees, and sunny skies only to find it was snowing back home!   After checking into the hotel, several of the TCG teachers and I went for a walk.  Several things really struck me as interesting.  The first was that people wear all kinds of clothing.  Some dress like me, others in the more traditional Moroccan clothing including hijabs (head scarves) and/or loose fitting garments called djellaba.  I have seen Nike and Converse shoes, t-shirts, and jeans with holes in them that American teens seem to favor.  However, overall people dress more modestly than we do in America.  
Another thing that struck me was how affectionate people are with each other.  Women walk down the street arm-in-arm and men even hold hands in friendship here as it is considered a warm expression of affection between friends. I am thrilled to be here and can't wait to learnmore about this amazing country!

I hope my description above answered your questions about clothing Brooke K, Nina S, Kyla B, Kayleigh A, and Sada B.  I also hope I answered your questions about shoes Thomas M, Jordan W, and Nathaniel P. 

Nick S, to answer your question about Morocco's flag, see the picture above.  It is a red flag with a green star in the center.

To answer your question about architecture Landon F, it is a mixture of traditional and modern, African and Islamic.  Colorful tiles are also used here in intricate patterns.  

Question of the Day:  What is the Capital of Morocco?  (The first student to correctly answer the question and include his/her name will win a prize.  If someone has already answered correctly, please do not answer it again, but you may send me a comment about something else ).


  1. Replies
    1. Katie H- you are the first to correctly answer the question. You are the winner!!

    2. Katie H- you are the first to correctly answer the question. You are the winner!!

  2. What is the main language they speak Mrs. Adams?

    1. Paul- they first learn Arabic, then French in 2nd grade, the English in 9th grade at most schools

  3. The capital of Morocco is Rabat. -jasmine justice

  4. the capital of Morocco is Rabat -Kyle Rader
